Develop a series of instructional videos  that will help technicians in the field  understand the proper procedure for  collecting, storing and packaging soil,  water and vapor samples. Produce  several videos along with high  resolution photography.

We created a simple and clean graphics  look based on the clients current style  guide. This involved the use of stock  liquid, gas and water footage, which  we then color corrected to match  company colors. We provided casting  services for an appropriate voice over  artist as well as musical selection.


The videos were shot using our 5k cinema camera systems in which allows us to pull HD stills from the recorded video stream which the client was then able to use throughout their website as well as other marketing.


  • Creative Direction: Graphics Package
  • Art Direction: During Filming as well as Photography
  • Project management
  • Writing
  • Location scouting
  • Filming and crew management
  • Editing and motion graphics
  • Audio production
  • Packaging

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